Technology Business Coaching

Technology Business Coaching

Since working with Jas, my turnover has increased from £177,000 to £250,000 in just over two years. We’re on target to boost this to £450,000 for 2020

What were the drivers for you wanting to work with a Business Coach?

I needed someone to hold me accountable. My business was bumbling along just fine, I was setting my own goals, but I was also letting them slip. It was all too easy to let myself off the hook. There were a lot of things I didn’t do in the early days. Then, about three years ago, I met Angela and she invited me along to one of their seminars. I remember taking away a lot of really useful information that I could apply in my business. I did a few things – implemented this and changed that. Then, about ten-months later, I went along to a second seminar. That was in November 2017, and this time I signed up. I knew before I went, that’s what I was going to do, because I was serious about growing my business. I’ve never looked back.

Why did you choose REACH Business Coaching?

I’d worked with a business coach before, but he didn’t really have the full credentials to back him – whereas Jas does. He’s really easy to get on with and he has clear goals about work life and family life balance, which is really important to me. When I became part of the REACH community, I was completely sold on the experience.

What were some of your specific challenges and outcomes?

I wanted to grow the business, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. I didn’t have a lot of processes in place, which was more problematic than you can imagine. What I really needed was mentoring around the massive changes we were going through, which included the team and the business culture – and then partnering with two other businesses.

Jas worked with me on getting all sorts of processes in place. We now work on the philosophy of ‘Client Delight‘, our recruitment process is in good shape, and I’ve learned how to have better one-to-ones with my team. On top of this, he guided me on developing recurring revenue and project timelines.

What Jas has done, is help me to grow my business and keep it stable. My turnover increased from £177,000 to £250,000 in just over two years – and we’re on target to boost this further, to £450,000 for 2020.

My original goal was to go from working 80 hours a week to 40 – but realistically, some weeks I’m still doing 60.

What is it about Jas you’re buying into?

Jas and Angela have become good friends. I feel confident asking Jas questions, whether they’re to do with personal advice or business advice. When I’m working with him, I know I’m in a safe space – whatever’s going on. He listens well.

The other advantage for me, is that he works with other businesses in different industries – so when Jas shares what works well for them and what doesn’t, this helps me too, as it’s all so relatable. I trust him with anything. Once, when I had a turndown in work and needed advice, he was there to speak to me outside of the session. You can’t ask for more than that.